Adult Bible Study
Unplug from the world and read God’s Word.
Sunday Mornings at 9:45 a.m.
Pastor’s Adult Bible Class
Simply Scriptures: Genesis - Revelation
Discussion Based Study looks at the weekly Scripture for the sermon text.
Wednesday Mornings at 9:30 a.m.
Pastor’s Mid-Week Class
Wednesday Evenings at 6 p.m.
Men’s Bible Study in Conference Room
Adult Bible Study in Fellowship Hall
Thursday Evenings at 6 p.m.
Young Adult Bible Study in Conference Room
Men’s Friday Morning at 7:30 am
Studies the weekly Scriptures for the Sunday texts in Conference Room
Friday Evenings at 6:30 pm
Jesus and the Old Testament in Conference Room
Adult Ministries
Our Savior has many ministries that are focused on adults. We have groups and activities that cover a varied area of interests. These activities are organized throughout the year and specifics can be found in the weekly announcements.